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Topics - 9a5cw

Test / Odg: IARU R1 VHF 2018
07. September. 2018, 19:50:57
Novosti / Iaru R1 50MHz 2013. rezultati
27. September. 2013, 13:45:21
Rezultate ovogodisnjeg takmicenja mozete pronaci na :

Od nasih 9A3K zauzeo je sjajno 48. mjesto u EU - single op. kategoriji, dok se nas Vedran 9A7DX i ekipa Jenkija
kao multi-op 9A5Y nesto malo vise potrudila i zauzela 7. mjesto u EU.  ;)

Čestitke svima na rezultatima i vise sreće drugi put ;) Ili mozda vise propagacija  8)

Novosti / Croatian 50/70 MHz Contest 2012
05. July. 2012, 16:56:50
najavljujem Croatian 50/70 MHz Contest 2012 koji će se održati ovog vikenda od 14z subota do 14z nedjelja. Natjecanje je ove godine u novom terminu i nešto dužem izdanju od 24 sata.

Pravila takmičenja možete pogledati ovdje:

English rules: , all logs are welcome !

Sretno svima - GL to all,
kao sto je VHF manager najavio ovaj vikend je kontest,
ekipa u sastavu 9A1UN, 9A2NA, 9A5CW (mozda jos koji gost)  biti ce QRV sa 9A1P lokacije kao 9A22P.

Sretno svima i nadam se solidnim propagacijama i sto vecem broju 9A aktivnih stanica, prije udara takozvane baklje na zemlju ;)

73 , Pa3k

Novosti / 6O3A ponovno aktivan
09. May. 2012, 12:35:46
Darko J28AA najavio je danas ponovni odlazak u Somaliland od 25-31 svibnja 2012.
Planiran je rad na HFu i 50MHz, DL5WP (4el) i DK1MAX (6el) donirali su  antene za 6m band. Zahvaljujem Mariu DJ2MX na pomoci oko antena za 6O i J2 QTH,
sretno lovcima na DXCC.
UKV DXpedicije / 6O3A na 6m
29. March. 2012, 14:24:34
6O3A dxped u Novembru - Studeni 2012...
Za sad nema 6m na popisu bandova pa bi vas zamolio da ispunite anketu:

Naravno za 6m CW/ssb bilo sta...

First QSO's / 1st 9A <> PA 70MHz
07. January. 2012, 16:28:30
evo danas pala prva veza na 70MHz sa PA2CHR Chris FSK441... kod mene 5el DK7ZB i 10w.

IARU I. Region VHF contest / Odg: IARU VHF 2011 - fotke
05. September. 2011, 20:20:57
Pozdrav... par slika sa 9A1P lokacije... 3BIM, 6XX, 2NA, 1UN...
Tko, kako, s kim?
ES / 6m TEP/F2 2011
10. March. 2011, 12:21:29
jel tko radio sta na 6m ovih dana?
Kod mene na 3el nista - QTH Pazin.

Novosti / SOUTHERN SUDAN 2011
16. February. 2011, 09:44:45
We'll be active from 6 to 160 meters (include WARC bands) in CW, SSB and RTTY with at least 10 stations at the same time in different bands and modes.

50 MHz information and operating tips
* The 6 metre band will be one band more in this operation, not an extra. Although dates are not in the very peak of the Sporadic E season we think it is worth to make the effort in spite of the long distance to Europe, Asia and North America.
* We'll use a 7 elements Yagi plus a kW. Another more beam could be use for monitoring purposes.
* Frequency is 50.103 for both cw/ssb, although it may be changed, depending on local noise/birdies. Split operation will be deployed when needed.
* Main mode is CW. If band conditions permit, SSB mode will be used to gain a higher QSO rate. Please do not ask for mode changing.
* Please avoid QSO duplication, give others a chance. Logs will be uploaded twice a day to our site. Do not hesitate to call us again if you are not in the internet log.
* Whenever it's possible, and while the band remains closed, the station will be beaconing on the same frequency. If you hear it, feel free to send a text (SMS) saying your grid locator and report only.
* Grid locator is: KJ54TU. Please, DO NOT send your locator, it is not needed and we won't log it anyway, it wastes precious time

EA7KW op... nema boljeg za 6m dxped ;)
Novosti / HS on 6m
16. June. 2010, 16:46:47
Dear ALL,

  Thai Hams just recieved a temporaly license for 6 Meters (50-54MHz) for CQ WW
VHF Contest from NTC.
  The allow us to operate 2 days between 17-18 July 2010  (18-19 July 2010
Thailand time) which support from RAST by John, HS1CHB
  and I.

  This 6 Meters never been allow to operate for 30 years since previous RAST
Founder Gen.Kamchai Chotikul or
  Kam, HS1WR (SK).

  The latest 6Meters operate since 1992 during SEANET conversion in ChiangMai,

  This is is a very good news for all Thai Hams to have to opportunity to
operate 6m. We all hope NTC will continue authorize
  Thai Hams to operate 6 Meters hopefully as for permanent license.

  73, Champ, E21EIC

  Champ C. Muangamphun, E21EIC/KY1A

  Also: XW1IC,XU7ADE, /9M2, /VR2, /PY2
  ex: XZ0A, XW1HS, 9M4JB, 9M0SEA, XU7POS, PS2T, XV9TH, etc

  e21eic  ---
UKV tehnika / 6M SDR RX
04. June. 2010, 07:23:16
Evo i ja sam poceo sa SDR-om, ali samo na prijemu, posto su lezajevi vec poceli skripati na IC706 ni bilo druge nego
nabavit nesto za klikanje mišom ;)

Shema, plocica sa nesto dijelova i napomena za TR2 tranzistor (valjda sam dobro skuzio da ga treba lotati ispod stampe jedino neznam kamo je oznaka okrenuta)...

Članske diskusije / DX Biblija
25. May. 2010, 07:49:20
Jedan dio ;)
In the beginning Glenn created the radio wave and the transmitter. Then in subsequent days, Glenn created the receiver, DX stations, and DXer. Then He saw that DXer was lonely, and Glenn told him to try to QSL Albania. DXer listened long and hard and wrote many reports, and then while he slept Glenn took a rib from his torso and created the antenna. Then Glenn DXed at a cabin in the woods for the weekend to rest.

ES / ES sezona na 6M 2010
16. May. 2010, 09:07:59
sporadic E na veliko je vec otvorio 50MHz band, pao je prvi A9 za slobodu Splita.
Ocekujemo 3C, E4, 5J, J8, TL0A ...
73 i GL svima...

ps. netko je prezimio na 6 a netko se tek pojavio  ::)
Obavijesti / Offtopic
15. March. 2010, 08:33:48
Quote from: 9a6arp on 14. March. 2010, 08:44:14
Estás exagerando realmente el idioma italiano, como si usted no vive donde es mejor dejar el diccionario para una tienda de café que para usarlo en el foro,, querido hermano, te aburres, y más a Dios.
Sei veramente esagerando la lingua italiana, come se non vivi in cui il dizionario è meglio lasciare per un coffee shop di utilizzare nel forum, caro fratello, ti annoi, e più vicini a Dio..
Novosti / V5 Namibija on 4m
11. March. 2010, 14:30:16
Namibija je dobila 70MHz band. Jos jedna u nizu Africkih zemalja.
Info by V51PJ - Pieter
ES / Zvukovi
04. March. 2010, 09:06:18
Snimljeno prije par dana...
Otkrite porijeklo...

Novosti / TF on 4m
20. February. 2010, 21:23:14
February 19, 2010 The Post and Telecom Administration in Iceland granted a temporary experimental access to the 4 meter band in Iceland. The permit is valid until December. The access is valid until 31.12.2010.
Frequency span: 70.000-70.200 MHz. Access is granted on secondary basis. Maximum bandwidth is 16 kHz and power limit is 100 W.
Info je od TF2JB.
u prilogu razne zanimljive teme, ugodan put 9A manageru.